Perfil de
Nelson Rangel Valdez
Nombre: | Nelson Rangel Valdez |
Género: | Masculino |
Email: | [email protected] |
Institución/Empresa: | Instituto Tecnológico de Cd. Madero |
Inst. último grado : | CINVESTAV-Unidad Tamaulipas |
Links: |
Nelson Rangel-Valdez received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the Information Technology Laboratory of the Center for Research and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV) at the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico. He recently started working as a CONACyT research fellow; as part of his activities in this job, he has been assigned as researcher to the Project-3058-"Optimization of Complex Problem" at the National Institute of Technology - Institute of Technology of Madero City (TecNM-ITCM). He has his expertise and intereset in research areas such as combinatorial optimization, software engineering, machine learning, design of parallel algorithms, and movile computing.